Bringing Liberal Arts Learning to Life
Online courses from qualified, experienced teachers with a track record of success.
Your Learning Journey
We are a small, dedicated team of highly qualified, experienced teachers with a proven record of helping students achieve their goals. Specialising in Liberal Arts subjects—English Language, English Literature, Film Studies, Media Studies, History, Sociology and Politics—we offer courses and classes carefully constructed to meet the needs of home learners
At Nexus Educate, we believe that every home-educated student deserves a flexible approach to learning and a tailored curriculum that builds confidence and inspires success. Our courses and classes engage students of all ages and abilities, equip students with the critical, analytical and creative skills essential for lifelong learning and empower students to achieve nationally and internationally recognised qualifications
At Nexus Educate, your child is always a name, never a number. Our results-driven, student-led approach is the key to understanding why so many of our students grow, adapt, and thrive.
Our courses and classes are designed for home educated students of all abilities. We incorporate stretch and challenge for students aiming high and tailored support for those with additional needs.

We offer courses and classes in English Language, English Literature, Film Studies, Media Studies, History, Sociology and Politics from Key Stage 3 to Post-16.
Live classes run weekly for six-week blocks over one or two academic years. Self-paced distance learning courses can be completed in whatever way works best for you and your family.

Our distance learning formats ensure flexibility, accessibility and room for personal choice. We offer guided, supported self-paced learning or live, interactive, small-group classes delivered via Zoom. Specifications with NEA (coursework) elements are available as taught courses only.

We recognise that every student learns differently and aim to cater to individual preferences and interests by incorporating student choice wherever possible. Students can opt for live, interactive classes or self-paced learning with or without marking and feedback.
We believe that every young person should have the opportunity and support to realise their full potential. We want our students to learn with enjoyment, progress rapidly and achieve beyond their expectations.

Your Route to Success
Deciding to home-educate can be daunting. For some people, the decision unleashes a surge of energy, excitement and the thrill of impending adventure. Others are filled with trepidation at the journey ahead.
Whichever group you fall into, you'll know that the road ahead can be tricky in places. It can be travelled solo, but it is much easier with a well-plotted map, an experienced guide who has travelled the path themselves. Not only are you more likely to arrive at your desired destination, but you are much more likely to enjoy the journey.
We offer alternate routes for distance learning because we know that everyone learns differently and has their own tastes and preferences.

Exams and Assessment
At Nexus Educate we are committed to helping home educated students access nationally and internationally recognised qualifications and achieve the results they need to progress.
We know how difficult it can be to find a centre that accommodates home educated students within reasonable travelling distance, so we don’t limit where students sit their exams. Our primary learning partners are listed below, however we work with whichever centre works best for you.
GCSE, A Level, IGCSE and International A Level Private Candidate UK Exam Centres
Not-for-profit exam centre aimed at home-educated, school-aged students
A flexible and friendly independent examination centre based in Bristol
All-in-one pastoral support for home educated students including SEN and SEMH services
Further details on the assessment process and how it works for home educated students can be found by clicking the link below.
Tutors and Exams
3A Tutors

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Bringing Liberal Arts Learning to Life
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